ՀԵՌՈՒՍՏԱԾՐԱԳՐԵՐ - Հեղինակ՝ . Thursday, May 12, 2011 20:38 - 1 քննարկում



Mehmet Talaat Pasha (1874-1921), also known as Talaat Bey, was the principal architect of the Armenian Genocide. He was active in the Young Turk movement seeking to overthrow Sultan Abdul Hamid (Abdulhamit) II.  He joined the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP). He was at the hub of Turkish revolutionary plotting. After the 1908 Young Turk Revolution, Talaat became one of the most influential politicians of the Ottoman Empire .  In 1909 he was appointed Minister of the Interior. By 1912 he was Secretary General of the CUP.  The following year he seized complete power in the Ottoman Empire .

Talaat was one of the main advocates of the Turkification of the Ottoman Empire .  As Minister of the Interior, he assumed primary responsibility for planning and implementing the Armenian Genocide.  De Nogales in his Four Years beneath the Crescent (Charles Scribners Sons, 1926 p.26) reveals Talaat as “the renegade Hebrew (Donme) of Salonika .”  A “Donme” is a kind of Marrano Jew, a descendant of Jewish refugees in Turkey who pretended to be Muslims. Talaat employed the system of provincial administration subordinate to his direct authority as the main instrument for carrying out the deportations.  The 1915 orders for the eviction of the Armenians from their homes carried his signature, much as subsequent orders clarifying the originally disguised intentions of the deportations as annihilation also bear his name.  Talaat personally supervised the process, and his ability to operate a telegraph machine enhanced his capacity to carry out the policies of his government through direct and secret communications to other CUP cohorts specifically assigned provincial administrative posts to receive and carry out the orders.

This method of operation circumvented the machinery of the central government and permitted a handful of CUP fanatics to subvert the state in order to carry out their criminal conspiracy.  The organized and scheduled depopulation of Armenians from one town after another carried out with complete surprise and minimal cost, their systematic liquidation once moved to remote locations, and the methodical plunder of their properties demonstrated Talaat’s capacity for calculated cruelty and only increased his power and prestige in the CUP.  Talaat went so far as to expressly order the destruction of young Armenian orphans.  In February 1917 Talaat became Grand Vizier, earning him the title Pasha.  He resigned his post in October 1918 as the empire neared total defeat.


In 1492 the king of Spain , Ferdinand, issued an edict to expel from Spain all remaining Jews who did not convert to Christianity. When the news of expulsion reached the Ottoman Empire , the Sultan (Emperor) Beyazit II issued a decree to welcome the Jews. Since 1492, through five centuries, the Ottoman sultans and the modern day Turkish Republic welcomed the Jews and offered them a safe haven from persecution in the European countries. While many European nations expelled, persecuted or tried to convert the Jews under their dominion, the Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire remained as an outstanding example of tolerance of different nationalities with different religions. (Reference:  “Turkish Jews – Brief History”)

This paragraph contradicts “tolerance of nationalities” by Turkey .  If this was true, why were the Greek (1914) and Armenian (1915), Genocides, had taken place in Turkey ?

History shows that Zionists always involve other nation’s sons to die for their benefit.  It was easy to enflame the Turkish Muslim to do the dirty work of eliminating Christians from their ancient lands. They have never had any use for Muslims, except the arming of Muslim Azerbaijan (for their strategic interests), while influencing the west to wars, for their security.

It is best to cite Zionist sources.  The Zionist newspaper Peiwische Vordle wrote on January 13, 1919:  “The international Jewry believed it necessary to force Europe into World War I, so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world.”

Paul Dreyfus (1875 – 1958), a French Jew from Mulhausen, Germany, where the western branch of the Komintern (Communist International) had been established, stated:  “Before the end of the year, an economic block of England, Russia, France and the United States will be formed to bring German and Italian economics to their knees”  (La Vie de Tangier, May 15, 1938, Tangier.)

What is incomprehensible, is why Armenians worldwide are not aware of who were the primary instigators of the Genocide of 1915.  Every Armenian organization and media seem not to utter a word about the part Zionism has played in the cruel annihilation of their forefathers.  Even the patriotic Armenian Revolutionary Federation has never identified the Zionists as the primary architects of the 1915 Armenian Genocide.  They campaign vigorously for world governments to recognize genocide, but only target Turkey as the criminal, ignoring the Zionist leaders of Turkey at the same time.

Ambassador Morganthau, Sr. (1858-1946), a naturalized American from a German-Jewish family, was appointed by President Wilson to Turkey in 1913.  Ambassador Morganthau created a plan after World War I to punish Germany .  The plan was to de-industrialize Germany and diminish its people to a pastoral existence.  The real goal of


the proposed condemnation of “all of Germany to a permanent diet of potatoes” was the communization of the defeated nation, the best way for the German people to be driven into the arms of the Soviet Union .

A description of Morganthau’s final meeting prior to his departure from Istanbul with the Turkish leaders should be noteworthy primarily for its lack of veracity.  He begins his account by saying:

“I had my farewell interview with Enver and Talaat on January 13, 1916” — and even in this short sentence manages to falsehood, (a) he did not hold a farewell interview with Talaat and Enver at all but met each man separately:  and, (b) his separate meetings with Talaat and Enver actually occurred on January 29, 1916.  With this farewell from Turkish leaders, Talaat Bey and Enver Pasha, with whom his “Diary” and “Letters” show he had enjoyed friendly social and professional relationships.  He begins with the following:    “But we hope you are coming back soon,” Talaat added, in the polite (and insincere) manner of the oriental.

Closing chapters of Morganthau’s story, the passage quoted above actually read:  “But we hope you are coming back soon.  We feel almost as though you were one  of us.”

Why has Ambassador Morganthau, Sr. been so revered by the Armenian people?

Morganthau consciously downplayed the close relationships he enjoyed with the Young Turk leadership throughout his sojourn in Constantinople and sacrificed truth for the greater good of helping to generate anti-Turkish sentiment which would transform itself into pro-war sentiment.

In 2005, grandsons of Morganthau brought some remains from their grandfather to be re-buried near the Armenian Genocide Museum in Yerevan beside the Great Friends of Armenians.

Questions:   Why is it that the majority of Armenians worldwide have not known the truth of their genocide?  Why has the truth of the Zionist factor not been emphasized?

Armenian organizations and media have always known of the Zionist “Committee of Union and Progress,” as the primary source of our Armenian Genocide of 1915.

They have created the worship of Morganthau, instead of the myth of  his humanitarism.

Ardavast Avakian

April 28, 2010


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May 12, 2011 22:43