Ս. ՔԻՐԵՄԻՋՅԱՆ - Հեղինակ՝ . Tuesday, January 20, 2009 22:29 - չքննարկված


It has been eleven years since Armenia attained national independence. Isn’t it amazing that after a decade of independence, with people who are educated and industrious by nature, the country is still in the throes of an economic disaster. It is true that Armenia is landlocked, but regardless, the essential important ingredient necessary for a successful and flourishing economy of a nation is wise leadership that is not only imbued with national patriotism and the self-sacrificing spirit, but also knowledgeable about the true nature of man. From the very beginning, in 1991, the leaders of a sudden fledgling free country were not aware of what constituted the creation of a successful economic system. If they had given the people total freedom to fend for themselves, the economy would have soon blossomed beyond imagination. Only a free people create long-lasting wealth, if it is not insidiously siphoned off by Government.

A most important ingredient for creating national wealth is for the establishment of a non-usury (honest) money system ideally backed by a percentage of gold reserve system. If the people have gold or have the guaranteed right to freely convert their government-created paper money into gold upon demand, then they have what is called veto power over the spending plans of their political rulers. Without the right of converting paper money into gold, then a country’s political leaders can control the populace and easily enslave them. The real issue is who will control whom; will the politicians control the people, or will the people control the politicians? It was a major error in allowing foreign ownership of Armenia’s gold mines.

A Republic is the most perfect form of government devised by man. A Republic is created by establishing a constitution that gives equal (but separate) enumerated powers to the major branches of government: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. In other words, no branch is subordinate to the other. The Legislature should be voted upon within local areas by the people of those areas minus interferences. No single individual should have the power to determine the destiny of the nation. Instead, what is taking place today is not only an element of individual greed, but more important, the acceptance of the financial aid for the economy of Hayastan from sources that appear tempting and easy, but in reality are addictive and dangerous.

Many burdensome interest payments must be paid to the I.M.F. (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank, which are instruments for destroying nations economies. The stringent conditions they place upon a country are such that it retards the creation of wealth, forcing the government to place burdensome taxes upon the nation’s assets. With the suffocation of high taxes placed upon small-privatized industry and agriculture they are not able to survive, consequently they become victims of international speculators (example: George Soros foundations) to move in and purchase them (the nation’s jewels) for virtually nothing. The government in turn continues to beg for I.M.F./World Bank funds in order (in their minds) to run the country, as well as keep themselves in power, while the economy continues its stagnation.

Another effect of external financing and the importing of cultures into the newly established nation was the creation of additional institutions that educated and prepared young intelligentsia to more readily immigrate to other nations of the world. There already existed excellent domestic Armenian institutions of high standards that deserved financial assistance and were able to educate future generations with the Armenian character, and still be prepared to relate to the world. In short, a combination of fiat (falsely created) I.M.F./World Bank funds, creating a stagnant economy, together with foreign influences on the Armenian culture, culminates in a so-called “brain drain” that weakens the fledgling Armenian nation.

This process is designed to eventually destroy the Armenian psyche and race, by reducing Armenia to “international world territory” status, while reducing its population. In case the government refuses to accept I.M.F. (World Bank funds), the young nation can be confronted with war or the financing of a nearby nation to war upon them.

It should be noted that when the Armenian Government is not able to pay back the loans, the I.M.F./World Bank threatens to withhold further funds. After a time period of threats, they then get into an act of “humanitarian gesture” and become anxious in forcing loans upon the intended victim nation.

A most enlightening article by Michael Chossudovsky, professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, Canada, explains in great detail how the I.M.F. (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank are manipulating the destruction of a nation’s economy and social fabric as well as reducing it to slave status. The complete article can be attained on the Web: www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/chuss/instru.htm

A few statistics and notes:

1. The I.M.F. discourages the establishment of large industries, such as the intended General Motors plant, which was to be built in Armenia that was allegedly canceled by the U.S. State Department.

2. Peter Nicholes, World Bank Senior Officer for Armenia and Azerbaijan, has linked loans based on a Kharabagh resolution. That constitutes extortion by external forces.

3. The Armenian Government as well as foreign internationalist interests are favoring major industries to be privatized to foreign control.

4. The Armenian Government only allows subsidies to small service businesses, demanding future taxes to be paid in advance, while ignoring the shadow economy.

5. Armenia has borrowed approximately $170,000,000 from the I.M.F. since 1994, and has paid $17.0 million in interest.

6. Armenia has borrowed approximately close to a billion dollars from the World Bank as of 2001.

7. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has granted to Armenia $1.3 billion dollars from 1992 to 2001.

The question now becomes: “Is Hayastan going to relinquish complete control of its destiny to an un-elected global bureaucracy, dedicated to preserving the pathological system that has already created worldwide economic chaos, or does Hayastan want to reclaim the right to elect a government with the power to protect its own people and natural resources from the ruthless exploitation of international financial capitalism, and without curtailing its participation in world commerce”?

Some will say, “There is no other way”. An example of the other way was refusal of internationalism’s financing, set by Maylasia’s premier, Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, who ‘opted out’ of the internationalist system, and which has proved beneficial to their country’s economy while still securing their independence.

The international financier, George Soros, has stated that “the correct solution to the crisis would be to convert debts in stricken countries in equity, giving creditors (banks) a share stake in the vulnerable concerns.” In other words, the productive industries and the public utilities of the once free nations of the world – real wealth created by the real efforts of generations of their people – should be handed over to foreign bankers to dispose of as they see fit, even though many of those ‘debts’ have already been paid off several times over through the interest payments which have crippled their economies.

The warning couldn’t be much plainer. The world stands at a crossroads. It must choose between popularly chosen national governments, which strive for the best interests of their people and are free to cooperate with other countries when it is advantageous to all concerned, or a global dictatorship of super-capitalists. There is no ‘third way’; the Marxist ‘alternative’ is dead. The choice is between national values and freedom, or the feudalism of the international Banksters’ Imperium.

How can we say we are honoring our Christian forefathers and still take money from a corrupt monetary system, when Christ threw the false moneychangers from the temple that led four days later to his crucifixion? Christ was not a compromiser. The people of every nation must find their own way towards a stable, sustainable society free from the shackles of global debt slavery.

Ardavast Avakian
Boca Raton, FL

Այս թեմայի շուրջ տարվող Քննարկումները ժամանակավորապես կասեցված են.

ՀԵՌՈՒՍՏԱԾՐԱԳՐԵՐ, Ս. ՔԻՐԵՄԻՋՅԱՆ - Aug 19, 2016 10:00 - չքննարկված

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